Pre-Paid Funerals

Protect those close to you from the stress and expense of arranging your funeral with a guaranteed pre-paid plan.

Today, planning your funeral service and paying the cost in advance is clearly making more sense than ever before and is one of the most thoughtful things you can do, taking away the financial worry from your loved ones at an upsetting and difficult time.

There are a range of Funeral Plans for you to choose from that offer a straightforward, affordable way to plan and pay for the funeral you want, with a price guaranteed. The plans will guarantee to cover the cost of your cremation funeral when the time comes, regardless of the impact of funeral inflation. If a burial is your desired funeral choice, your plan will pay a contribution towards the costs of cemetery and burial fees. 

There are a comprehensive range of options and payment plans so you are sure to find one that suits your budget and requirements. 


Discussing your Funeral Planning

Discussing a topic such as your funeral planning in advance, may seem like a difficult conversation to have with your loved ones, but there are benefits to discussing and planning your funeral ahead of time, both financially and emotionally.

The majority of these benefits are experienced by the loved ones you leave behind. Just knowing that your funeral is planned and already paid for, and that your family and friends don't have to worry about finding the money to pay for your funeral at an already upsetting and difficult time, is an immense comfort.

You will know those close to you well enough to know how to approach the subject and whether a direct or indirect approach is the best way to start the conversation about such a sensitive and upsetting subject. We understand through experience, that once you can start the conversation it is usually very positive and many of the difficult decisions can be made easily. 

The Direct Approach

The direct approach is the best approach for families who are very open with one another. Make sure you pick the right time to start the discussion, but also not forcing the conversation right away if some loved ones are a little uncomfortable.

If you need to speak to more than one person in the family about it, perhaps it would be best to organise a family gathering. Be sure to let everyone know in advance why you are organising the gathering, so they can be prepared for the subject matter.

The indirect approach

Approaching the topic in a casual manner may be more suitable for some families.

Maybe, for example, if the topic of conversation is around someone else's death, be it someone you know or someone in the news or somebody on a TV show or film, you could take the opportunity to discuss your own Funeral Planning with your loved ones.

Asking an open question can lead easily into the conversation about planning your own funeral and the opportunity for paying in advance with a pre-paid funeral plan

Whichever approach you take its likely that the conversation will be upsetting. Reassure your loved one's that you wanted the conversation because you love them and don’t want them to be burdened with the cost of your funeral in the future.

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